Saturday, September 25, 2010


Chuseok is winding down and it's back to school tomorrow. I enjoyed my holiday very much and am extremely happy to have a phone and Internet, finally! Long story short: last Saturday the Internet guy showed up (at 10am, not between the hours of 2 and 3 like I was expecting) and hooked up my cable and was supposed to hook up my Internet only to find that my laptop monitor is cracked. Great. So I had the number of a Korean computer guy who spoke English, so I called him and then trekked out to Gyeryong, about an hour bus ride away, only to find that it would be about two weeks before the part would come in. Bless this man though... he gave me a spare monitor that I could hook up to my computer in the meantime, which means I'm able to use my computer. I type on the laptop and look at the extra screen. Rudy (the computer guy) also set up a phone for me. Another disaster... I went to Gyeryong Monday after school to pick up the phone. My friend Celina went with me, and she's been here a week less than me so it was a bit of the blind leading the blind in our attempt to get to Gyeryong. We made it successfully, and Rudy (such a nice man!) came and picked us up from the bus stop. He gave me the phone and explained how everything worked, and then we didn't know when the bus back to Buyeo came so he called the Buyeo terminal to ask. They called back and were like, Ah the next bus is in 10 minutes! So we ran out of his office quickly and genius me forgot my phone because Rudy was charging it for me. Great.

So another day, yet ANOTHER trip to Gyeryong. It was worth it though to have a phone. That night Celina, Sega, Blake, Yoman, and I all went out to a noreybang (spelling?), aka a KARAOKE BAR!! It was amazingly fun. The group pays $15 for an hour of karaoke in a private room. They've got tons of songs and two microphones so you can duet if you want. Then we went out for galbi, aka Korean barbeque, and it was delicious. Places in Korea pretty much don't close... we left the bbq place around 4am I think.

It might be the late nights, but I'm getting a cough. We (Celina, Blake, Yoman and me) went to Seoul on Thursday so those three could go bungee jumping. Sadly, it was closed. Seoul is a very cool place. It's got so much Western stuff too... we went to On the Border for dinner, and it was Celina's first Mexican food experience (she's Hong Kong Chinese born in Scotland raised in Newcastle, England where apparently they don't do Mexican food). While in Seoul we stopped at a pharmacy so I could get some cough medicine, and I think it's working.

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